Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Career In Astronaut


I want to be one
Who This Career is For?
A career as an astronaut is perfect for people who do not enjoy desk jobs! Adventurous people who love to explore the world would fit into this unique job instantly. A job as an astronaut, however, is not for everyone. Those who are not perseverant are unlikely to break into this competitive field.An astronaut must have a natural scientific instinct, and have excellent observational skills. Moreover, there are strict weight and height limits for astronauts, which vary from country to country. A career as an astronaut is ideal for hardworking individuals who love to live a unique life.
Want to know more about it?
While most people have a general idea of what astronauts do, there are many misconceptions that commonly exist about this career path. Astronauts explore areas outside the planet Earth in order to attain information, or perform specific tasks. 

Astronauts go out of space so that they can conduct experiments and research on various different projects. No two missions generally have the same purpose, and astronauts may serve different purposes depending on their roles in the crew. Seniority generally determines ones position in the crew. 

Training is an important part of this career. Astronauts are meticulously trained to conduct scientific research, as well as how to survive in various different environments. An important part of this job, besides conducting observations and research, is ensuring the safety of oneself and the fellow crew members. 

Although different astronauts within a crew may have different responsibilities in a mission, there Is generally only one career path. There are no such fixed subdivisions within this field, or paths within the career which one may opt for.

Necessary qualifications vary from country to country. On paper, most space organizations state that astronauts require a bachelor’s degree. Realistically speaking, however, potential astronauts must go through extensive and rigorous training.
Most organizations that hire astronauts provide training themselves. The training often involves the trainee using simulation software to learn how to conduct effective space research, and how to survive in outer space. 
There is also a minimum and maximum height and weight requirement for a job like this. Other physical and medical tests are also done before one is able to become an astronaut. Training is essential in this kind of job, and there are strict government regulations in most countries requiring this extensive preparation. 

Qualifications required?

    Any adult man or woman in excellent physical condition who meets the basic qualifications can be selected to enter astronaut training.

    For mission specialists and pilot astronauts, the minimum requirements include a bachelor's degree in engineering, science or mathematics from an accredited institution. Three years of related experience must follow the degree, and an advanced degree is desirable. Pilot astronauts must have at least 1,000 hours of experience in jet aircraft, and they need better vision than mission specialists. Competition is extremely keen, with an average of over 4,000 applicants for about 20 openings every 2 years.

What are Salary Prospects?
Experienced astronauts can earn a considerable annual salary, around $120,000 per annum. Most astronauts, unless they have exceptional training and renowned ability, start out earning $50,000. The average salary in USA for astronauts is approximately US$ 50,000. Astronauts working in developed countries earn all kinds of fringe benefits, including health and life insurance. They may also get paid vacations and tuition reimbursements if they opt for this career path.
How is Life?
Astronauts work in places where most humans cannot even imagine going. The job is generally considered to be one of the most exciting ones around. An average day as an 


 may involve traveling at super speeds in spacecrafts, or sipping a drink at the International Space Station. Astronauts may have to work long hours when they are on a mission. This may involve over hundred very stressful hours a week. Whereas, when there are no ongoing missions, work involves training and work hours are normal. Astronauts generally get lengthy paid vacations after stressful missions.However, many astronauts also conduct research after gathering their observations from outer space. Meanwhile, others engage in teaching as a side profession. Most astronauts have spent more time training in space simulations rather than in space itself. Thus, a career as an 


 can take you to all sorts of locations, many of which are literally out of this world!
What Perks come along with this career?
Many people dream about becoming astronauts, but very few people actually go ahead with this career path. It is a lifelong dream for many, and the biggest advantage may be the fulfillment of that dream. Astronauts are presented with an opportunity to become national heroes, and common household names. Astronauts are well respected people globally.Their research is invaluable to the scientific community, and there is a lot of potential for new groundbreaking discoveries as outer space remains largely unexplored.
Which Downsides are there in this career?
A career as an astronaut is not always as thrilling as it seems. One has to dedicate a lot of hours into training and practice before they are allowed to go into space. Moreover, getting into training programs is very difficult because of the high level of competition and the relatively low number of astronauts required globally. There is also a considerable danger to one’s life when they go on missions in outer space. The job involves a lot of stress and pressure to perform, as missions are expensive and they must be made worthwhile. It is very difficult to live a family life when you are an astronaut because missions can be long, and extensive. Additionally, constantly adjusting to changes in environments and atmospheres can be difficult. It is a very physically and emotionally demanding job that is, while exciting, very testing.
How is Competition?
While there is an increasing demand for astronauts due to increasing interest in space travel and astronomy, the total number of astronauts in demand is still very limited, and so competition for the few open spots is quite fierce. Training programs have difficult entry tests, which very few people get past. However, once an prospective astronauts make it into training programs, there Is chance for advancement to the top of the profession.The field of space travel is going to grow over the next thirty years, but the number of missions is still likely to remain limited. As a result, the competition for this career is likely to stay high.
Locations where this career is good?
A successful career as an astronaut may depend largely on where one wishes to practice it. It is internationally accepted that Florida, USA is the best place to be an astronaut in the world. There are several space centers in the USA. China and Russia also have space programs with occasional missions. In India, Bangalore is the space research capital of the world, and Is the place to be if you are

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